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Transform Your Florida Backyard into a Luxurious Outdoor Kitchen and Living Area

In sun-kissed Florida, where the climate invites you to bask in the outdoors, an outdoor kitchen isn’t just a luxury; it’s a lifestyle enhancement. For homeowners in Fort Myers, outdoor kitchen installation opens up a world of culinary exploration and entertainment possibilities. Lombardo Landscaping, a Fort Myers outdoor kitchen design company, combines expertise and creativity to turn your backyard into a gastronomic haven.

Outdoor Kitchen Project by Lombardo Landscaping

#1: Ideal for Florida’s Climate

#2: Perfect for Entertaining

#3: Increases Property Value

#4: Expands Your Living Space

#5: Customizable to Your Lifestyle

Why Choose Lombardo Landscaping?

Outdoor Kitchen Project by Lombardo Landscaping

An outdoor kitchen in Florida is more than a trend; it’s a smart enhancement to your lifestyle and property. Lombardo Landscaping, with our certification as Residential Contractors (CRC1331625), is dedicated to designing and building not just outdoor kitchens but luxurious outdoor living areas that reflect your dreams and exceed your expectations. With our expertise in outdoor kitchen installation in Fort Myers, FL, your backyard will transform into an enchanting culinary retreat.

Ready to explore the endless possibilities of an outdoor kitchen in your Florida home? Contact Lombardo Landscaping at (239) 788-2755 or visit us at 7200 Bucks Lane Ste. 1, Fort Myers, FL 33912.