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Pergola Construction

Lavish Living, Under Lustrous Pergolas

Elevate Your Outdoors: Pergolas with Panache

Serving Fort Myers, Bonita Springs, Naples, Cape Coral, and Estero, Florida

In Southwest Florida, with its sunny climate and Gulf breezes, pergolas do more than just offer shade. They stand out as features of luxury, turning simple outdoor meals into memorable evening events.

High-profile living demands more than the ordinary, and at Lombardo Landscaping, we take this creed to heart. Our pergolas aren’t mere structures; they are masterpieces that accentuate the elegance of Florida’s elite outdoor living.

The Magic of Pergolas in Outdoor Living

Outdoor spaces are the canvas upon which we paint our relaxation, entertainment, and memories. Introducing a pergola to this setting is like adding a masterstroke to a painting. Here’s why:

Pergolas are more than just wooden beams and lattice. They are functional art structures that enhance, define, and beautify outdoor spaces, making them more livable, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing.

Create a stylish and robust pergola in your Southwest Florida home with our experts at Lombardo Landscaping today. Call our office at (239) 788-2755 or schedule a service request online.

Why Pergolas by Lombardo Stand Out?

In the sun-kissed landscapes of Southwest Florida, outdoor living transcends mere existence; it’s an art, a luxury, and a statement. At Lombardo Landscaping in Fort Myers, we’re not just constructing pergolas – we’re crafting oases for the discerning elite.

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